PHYS 2321-03   "Physics 2''  -- Fall 2023

van de Graff

Instructor: Dr. Jason Pinkney
Office hours  in SA111 at  these times: 9am(R), 10am(T), 1pm(T), 3pm(W,R).
Email: or call 419-772-2740.
Instructor's Home page:
Credits: 3.00     CRN: 20771
Program: Physics and Astronomy
Class Home page:
Class time and place (Section 3):  MWF, 11:00-11:50 pm, Meyer 113
Text: Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th Edition.  By Giancoli.
(Print ISBN-13: 9780134378060, eText ISBN-13: 9780137488179) You need chapters 15 and 16 as well as chapters 22-35, so don't just get the "volume 1" or "volume 2" versions.

magnet with key

NEW STUFF    -  Watch this spot for new links.  These may include outlines and homework solutions. 

Advice on homeworks
PhET Coulombs Law simulation
Week 1 PPT (pdf). (To be updated during week 1.)
Electrostatics demos involving the Wimshurst machine:
Wimhurst and Aluminum Bob. ...
Wimhurst and Electroscope. ...
Wimhurst and pinwheel. (Not enough time to demonstrate these in class.)
Answers to "Questions" 1-14 from Ch. 21.
Homework1 (Chap. 21) key
Week 2 Chapter 21 PDF Updated 8/30/23
YouTube Video 1 on graphical depiction of E-fields. Drawing E vectors on a matrix. (Method 1 starts at 6:17.) (Sorry the audio is weak.)
YouTube Video 2 on graphical depiction of E-fields. Drawing field lines following 9 rules.
PhET Simulation of E-fields due to point charges.
E-fields T or F (Chap 21)
Answers to "Questions" 15-28 from Ch. 21
Homework2 (Chap. 21) key
Week 3-4 Chapter 22 PDF (Gauss's Law.) (Outlines are updated to 2023.)
Week 4-5 Chapter 23 PDF (Potential) (The outlines may be outdated.)
Homework3 (Chap. 22) key
Review for Exam 1. (updated 9/18)
Homework4 (Chap. 23) key
Week 6 Chapter 24 (Capacitance) PDF (updated 9/27)
YouTube (Kahn Academy) Video on capacitors and capacitance.
Week 6-7 Chapter 25 (Current and Resistance) PDF Some of this is presented in class, but not all.
Homework5 (Chap. 24) key
Week 8 Chapter 26 (DC Circuits) PDF Most of this is presented in on the chalk board.
Homework6 (Chap. 25) key
Homework7 (Chap. 26) key
Week 9 Chapter 27 (magnetic fields) PDF
Homework8 (Chap. 27) key
Week 10 Chapter 28 (Source of B-fields) PDF UPDATE 10/24/23. Ampere's Law and Biot-Savart law.
1 page equation list to be shown during Exam 2 and Final.
Week 11 Chapter 29 Faraday's Law (PDF) Ch. 29 outline
Homework9 (Chap. 28) key
Review for Exam 2.
Homework10 (Chap. 29) key
Video: Melde's experiment. See 6:50-7:50 for standing wave pattern on string.
Week 11-12: Chapter 15 Wave Motion (PDF) Ch. 15 outline (Updated 11/13).
Homework11 (Chap. 15) key
Video: Sound wave. Animation showing rarefactions and compressions of air particles.
Week 13: Chapter 16 Sound (PDF) Ch. 16 Powerpoint on Sound.
Homework12 (Chap. 16) key
Week 14: Chapter 32 Nature of Light/reflection and refraction (PDF) Ch. 32 Powerpoint. We're skipping "Huygen's Principle" and "Dispersion".
Week 14-15: Images by Mirrors and Lenses (PDF) Ch. 32 / 33 Powerpoint. Note: this old textbook uses p and q for object distance and image distance instead of d_o and d_i.
Interactive simulation from Optics Bench. See image properties for mirrors and lenses with adjustable object distances.
Equation Review for Ch. 32,33 (called "Ch. 35,36") (PDF). Now customized for this class and textbook. Homework13 (Chap. 32) key
Homework14 (Chap. 33) key

Here are the "assorted equations" and constants that will be on the final exam.
1 page equation list to be attached to the Final.

Course Description:
This course is a calculus-based introduction to E&M (electricity and magnetism), waves, and optics. Topics include Coulomb's law (static electric forces), electric and magnetic fields, electric potentials and potential energy, Maxwell's equations, waves, sound, light, image formation, and diffraction.  Some basic electrical circuits will be discussed, but we mostly leave this to electrical engineering courses.  Here we want to emphasize the theory and concepts inherent in all electric and magnetic phenomena.  This is a challenging course in that you must continue applying what you learned in PHYS 2311 (Mechanics and Thermodynamics) and your calculus courses.
A tentative calendar of topics is outlined below.

Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:

You should have passed PHYS 2311 with a minimum Grade of D. This means you also have passed Calculus I.

The lab for this class is Physics 2351. There is 1 section on Thursday at noon. Labs will meet in Meyer 122. Your performance in the lab has no direct effect on your grade in the lecture, however, you will learn the PHYS 2321 material better if you work hard in the lab. You will have an informational meeting with your instructor on the first week where you will be assigned your first lab.


Homework, attendance 25%
Quizzes (drop lowest score) 25%
Exams There will be two exams and a final. 50%


Your final letter grade is calculated roughly as follows:

<55 55-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

I will not grade any "harder" than the above. However, if the class mean drops below 75, I will grade more leniently.

Schedule (tentative):

Week of Topic Chapter(s) Tests
8/21,23,25 Syllabus. Electric Charge and Force 21
8/28,30,9/1 Electric Fields,Gauss' Law 21/22 quiz1
9/6,8 Gauss' Law, Electric Potential 22,23 quiz2
9/11,13,15 Electric Potential 23 quiz3
9/18,20,22 Capacitance 24 Exam I
9/25,27,29 Current & Resistance, DC Circuits 25,26
10/2,4,6 Magnetic Fields 27 quiz4
10/9-10 FALL BREAK
10/11,13 Ampere's Law 28 quiz5
10/16,18,20 Faraday's Law 29 quiz6
10/23,25,27 Inductance, Maxwell's Equations 30,31 Exam II
10/30,11/1,3 (Oscillations), Waves (14),15
11/6,8,10 Sound 16 quiz7
11/13,15,17 Optics: mirrors 32 quiz8
11/27,29 12/1 Optics: lenses 33
12/4,6,8 Wave nature of light, Double slit 34
12/11 (Mon) Comprehensive Final at 4:15-6:15, Room TBA Final Exam

Other Course Policies

Canvas will only be used sparingly for this class unless we have to go online. I will make files like homework keys or Powerpoints available on this web page instead of Canvas. I plan to import my grades into the Canvas gradebook once every 3 or 4 weeks. Let me know if you need the gradebook updated. Here is a link to Canvas.

Attendance will be checked on many days, particularly during the first few weeks. Attendance is crucial on test days or due dates. It is also important for participation in class activities and simply hearing lectures. Let me know in advance (e-mail is good) if you think you will need to miss class. If you miss a quiz or exam because of an unforeseen emergency, let me know as soon as possible, and provide proof of the emergency. The name and phone number of a relevant authority figure (perhaps a parent) can be provided as proof.

Homework will  consist of reading and working problems from the textbook or the instructor.  Problem solving is a major part of physics and you need practice. Homework turned in after the time it is due will be given 50% credit. It will be scored on completeness and correctness, but not every problem will be checked. You can discuss homework with your classmates, but don't copy their work verbatim. Don't copy the solutions manual verbatim. Show your work, don't just write down the final answer. After a warning, you'll be docked points. Look for keys posted after the homework is due.

Turning in Homework You must turn in hardcopies of your homework. Please write neatly, circle or box final answers, don't put more than one answer on a given row, and put spaces between problems. Engineering paper works well. Don't use spiral notebooks unless you remove the frills from each page.

Practice Quizzes / Self tests will  be made available online for each chapter or week of material. (See "Self Tests" below.) These are multiple choice questions linked through the class web page (not Canvas). The answers can be seen by clicking "Grade". I do not see your answers and these do not count towards your grade.

Quizzes will usually be given every week or two. I hope to give most quizzes in-class (allowing about 15 minutes)), but some may be on-line (via Canvas) or take-home. If you miss a quiz you cannot make it up unless you had an excusable absence. Sleeping in is not excused. We will try to arrange an in-person make-up at my office (SA 111). If we cannot find a time before the graded quizzes are returned to the other students, then you may have to take a 0. (For this reason, I will drop your lowest quiz score.)

Exams will be given roughly every 5 weeks (so that there are 2 plus a final). These will weigh most heavily towards your class grade. The final exam will be comprehensive, but will emphasize the last 3-5 weeks of material. One or more of the exams might be given on Canvas (to save class time). The same make-up rules used for quizzes apply (see above), but the lowest exam score is not dropped.

Disruptions  You can ask questions during class, but don't interfere with the learning of the students around you with irrelavent chatter.  Also, don't operate cell phones or laptops without my permission during lectures. Try not to arrive late or get up and walk out early (unless you are told to for being disruptive).

Calculators  I encourage you to use a calculator in this class. However, you may not use calculators to store information for tests and quizzes.  (This includes writing equations on the lid.)  Tests and quizzes don't usually require much arithmetic, so the calculator is mostly needed for homework.

Tutoring  will be available from the Physics Program and possibly Engineering.   Listen for announcements in class.   (Physics tutoring is usually Thursdays 7-9 pm.) Of course, you are welcome to drop by during my office hours!

Cheating During quizzes and exams it is important that you do your own work without help from others in the class. Getting help from or providing help to others during tests is considered cheating. For homework, you can work together, but if it becomes obvious that you are copying verbatim from a manual or another person, you risk point deductions. I reserve the right to give a 0 score and report students for disciplinary action if I observe cheating. You will usually receive a warning before severe penalties. Other penalties include arbitrary point deductions and excluding the score from your average. During in-class tests, you may not obtain information from electronic devices. If online tests are given, you will be expected to work alone unless explicitly stated otherwise. You will sometimes be allowed to use notes or other aids but you are not to exchange any information with others, including someone not in your class.

Common syllabus information. Here is common course information which applies to all courses. This includes Academic Dishonesty, Accommodations, ONU Health and Safety Policy, Title IX, DEI, Grading Modes, Readmission, Repeat Policies, and more.

    Here are some "Test Bank Practice" questions used for previous classes. 

Chap. 21 Test Bank Practice

Chap. 21 - a few more Practice questions

Chap. 22 Test Bank Practice.

Chap. 23 Test Bank Practice.

Chap. 24 Test Bank Practice.

Chap. 25 Test Bank Practice.

Chap. 26 Test Bank Practice.

Chap. 27 Test Bank Practice.

Chap. 28 Test Bank Practice. Symbol typos may exist in # 1, 7, and 8

Chap. 29 Test Bank Practice.

Chap. 15 (wave motion) Test Bank Practice. Typos:

Chap. 16 (sound) Test Bank Practice. Don't worry about Doppler effect questions (P. 9-10). P.7 should have T=1006N.

Chap. 31-34 (light/optics) Ignore polarization (#13-17). #9 used to give the wrong answer, it should now give A.

Chap. 34. Test Bank Practice. (Just do double slit interference)

 Cool! HYPERphysics

Pinkney's Homepage

The ONU Physics Homepage