Albireo - colorful double star.
Albireo, a colorful double star in the constellation Cygnus. 30 sec exposure with the Canon T5i on the Celestron 11-inch.

Alcor and Mizar
25 second exposure of the blue stars Alcor (bottom) and Mizar (top). One can tell that Mizar is at least 2 stars. It is actually at least 4 stars. Alcor and…

Capella in Auriga
15 second exposure of the bright star Capella in the constellation Auriga. Taken with the Canon T5i on the 11-inch Celestron

Castor in Gemini
The star Castor in color. This is a sextuple star system. The orange star to the left contains two of the stars, while the other 4 stars (center) are too…

Castor - short exposure
A shorter exposure of Castor revealing the two main clumps of stars which are about 4 arcseconds apart. 1/30 second taken with the Canon T5i on the 11-inch…