Giancoli 5th Ed. Hwk 1 (Due 9/5/24) 10 point hwk Ch. 1 P. 1-8,14,15,17,18,23,24,54-56 MiscQ. 2-8,10 Problems: 1. a) 3 B) 4 c) 3 d) 1 e) 2 f) 4 g) 2 2. a) 5.859e+0 b) 2.18e+1 c) 6.8e-3 d) 3.2865e+2 e) 2.19e-1 f) 4.44e+2 3. a) 869,000 b) 9100 c) 0.25 d) 476 e) 0.0000362 4. 0.35/3.25 x 100 = 11% 5. a. 0.2/4.5 x 100 = 4.444% or 4% b. 0.2/45 x 100 = 0.4444% or 0.4% c. 0.07% 6. 8.0x10^4 sec 7. 2.3 m^2 8. 0.8% 14. a) 0.2866 m b) 0.000074 V c) 0.43 g d) 0.000 000 000 047 2 s e) 0.000 000 022 5 m f) 2,500,000,000 volts 15. a) 3 Mvolt b) 2 micrometers c) 5 kdays d) 18 hectobucks or 1.8 kilobucks e) 900 ns or 0.9 microsec 17. a) SA_E/SA_M = 4*pi*R_E^2/4*pi*R_M^2 = 13.4 b) Vol_E/Vol_Moon = R_E^3/R_M^3 = 49.3 18. 15 m/s converts to 34 mi/h, so it doesn't exceed the speed limit. 23. a) 0.621 mi/h / km/h b) 3.28 ft/s / m/s c) 0.278 m/s / km/h 24. a) 0.111 yd^2 / ft^2 b) 10.8 ft^2 / m^2 54. Density dimensions = M/L^3. SI units for density are kg/m^3 55. For v = At^3 - Bt a) A must have dimensions of L/T^4 B must have dimensions of L/T^2 b) A would have SI units m/s^4 B would have SI units m/s^2 56. a) equation cannot be correct b/c [x]=L but [vt^2+2at]=T + L/T Each term on the right side of the equation should have the same dimensions! b) equation could be correct b/c [x]=L and [vt+1/2 at^2]=L c) equation could be correct b/c [x]=L and [vt+2 at^2]=L. However, the "2" on the right side should be a 1/2 to make the formula useful. MiscQ. 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. d 10. d Please check Tot= 10 pts Prob. 6,23 (1pt,1.5pt ) MiscQ. (-- pt each)