Astronomy Today 9th Ed. Review and Discussion 1. Name and briefly describe the main regions of the Sun. How hot is the solar surface? The solar core? Refer to Figure 16.2 and Table 16.1 for help in answering this question. The regions are: a) core : where energy is generated through fusion of hydrogen into helium Tcore is about 16 million K. b) radiative zone - a middle layer where energy from the core transfers outward by radiation (no convection) c) convective zone - an outer layer where convection is the primary source of energy transfer d) photosphere - the "surface" of the Sun, where the gas is thin enough for light to escape. Tsurf is about 5800 K. e) chromosphere - a colorful layer of low-density gas above the photosphere f) corona - the outermost atmosphere, which fades into the solar wind The radius of the core is 200,000 km, the interior is 300,000 km thick, convective zone is 200,000 km thick, photosphere is only 300 km thick, chromosphere is 3,000 km thick, and the corona extends about a few million km above the chromosphere. The photosphere is at a temperature of 5800 K and the core is at a temperature of approximately 15 million K. 2. What is luminosity, and how is it measured in the case of the Sun? Luminosity is a measure of the total energy output of an object. It is the energy in E-M radiation leaving in ALL directions. For the Sun, it can be measured by experimentally determining how much solar energy is received by one square meter at the distance of the Earth from the Sun. This is then multiplied by the surface area of a sphere which encompasses the Sun and whose radius is 1 AU. 3. How do scientists construct models of the Sun? Knowing basic facts about the Sun, especially the fact that it is made primarily of light gasses such as hydrogen and helium, and knowing how such gasses behave under conditions of high pressure and temperature, allows astronomers to model the entire structure of the Sun. The model is correct if it successfully predicts observed properties of the Sun, such as its luminosity, radius, and temperature. Some of the input information to the model is uncertain, but the results suggest how correct this input data is. By making slight adjustments in the input parameters, the model is adjusted until its predictions are in agreement with all the observed properties. Once the model “works,” astronomers are then able to learn from the model about the properties in the interior of the Sun. Models are used as a test to see whether we fully understand the structure and processes of objects. They are also then used to predict properties that may not be directly observable. Models also make predictions of observables that help us further test the validity of the model. 4. What is helioseismology, and what does it tell us about the Sun? Helioseismology is the study of waves that ripple across the surface of the Sun. Some of these waves travel from deep inside the Sun. Their appearance on the surface provides information about the interior of the Sun that cannot otherwise be observed, such as temperature, density, and rotation speed. In a similar manner seismic waves from the Earth can tell us about the Earth’s interior. [5. How do observations of the Sun's surface tell us about conditions in the solar interior? The oscillations observed on the solar surface are similar to seismic waves observed on Earth, although they are different in origin. The patterns of the waves are influenced by the internal structure of the Sun. Models of the solar interior predict how the waves should behave; observed waves suggest how the models need to be modified until there is agreement between observations and models. ] 6. Describe how energy generated in the solar core eventually reaches the Earth. The solar radiation is first produced in the core of the Sun, largely in the form of gamma rays. The gas in the core is totally ionized and so the radiation passes through it fairly freely, except for scattering off of electrons. But as we get closer to the surface, the temperature drops, and more and more of the gas is not ionized or only partially ionized. Such a gas is more opaque to radiation. At the outer edge of the radiation zone, all of the radiation has been absorbed by the gas. This heats the gas and it physically rises, while cooler gas from the surface falls. This is the region of convection. The energy is transported by convection to the photosphere. Here, the density of the gas is so low that radiation can freely escape into space, and travel in a straight line to Earth. 7. Why does the Sun appear to have a sharp edge? Virtually all the visible radiation we receive from the Sun comes from a thin layer called the photosphere. It is only 500 km thick; a small fraction of the Sun’s radius. The gas below the photosphere is too thick for light to escape, and the gas above is too thin to absorb and emit significant quantities of light. Light can only escape from this narrow region, so the Sun appears to have a very well-defined edge as seen from the Earth. (500 km is small compared to the radius of the Sun, 700,000 km.) If it was viewed from a distance of 1000 miles, the surface would not appear so sharp. 8. What is the solar wind? Because the corona of the Sun is hot, some of the gas particles are traveling fast enough to escape the gravity of the Sun. The gas is mostly composed of the separated components of ionized hydrogen, protons, and electrons. This flow of high-speed particles away from the Sun is known as the solar wind. The escape of wind particles also depends on the Sun's magnetic field structure: the solar wind eminates from "coronal holes" where the field lines radiate away instead of looping back to the Sun. 9. Why do we say that the solar cycle is 22 years long? Activity in the Sun’s magnetic field creates the cycle of sunspots seen on the Sun. The solar magnetic field reverses itself every 11 years, so it takes 22 years – two “sunspot cycles” – to go through a single cycle of magnetic reversals. 10. What is the cause of sunspots, flares and prominences? All of these phenomena are caused by activity in the magnetic field of the Sun. Sunspots are caused by kinks or loops of magnetic field extending through the lower atmosphere. These areas of concentrated magnetic field repel hot material trying to rise up from the Sun’s interior, so the section of the Sun underneath the knot cools off and darkens. Flares, by contrast, are areas where large amounts of energy are released in a short amount of time. Their origin is mysterious, but they are somehow connected to instabilities in the magnetic field. Prominences are caused by material ejected from the Sun’s surface that follows along huge loops of magnetic field that carry the luminous gas far above the solar surface. 11. Describe how coronal mass ejections influence life on Earth. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a cloud of ionized gas that travels quickly from the surface of the Sun outward, where it can be mostly deflected by the Earth’s magnetic field. Some of it gets channeled onto the poles of the Earth, however, and ionizes the upper atmosphere creating auroras. This can produce low frequency EM radiation as well as the pretty, visible glow. It affects radio communications, and can induce large currents/surges in electrical power grids, knocking them out. Earth satellites are also vulnerable to the Sun's outbursts (especially flares, but also CMEs) because they are not protected by Earth's atmosphere and they have delicate electronics. 12. What fuels the Sun's enormous energy output? Sun’s energy output is fueled by nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. In the process that takes place in the core of the Sun, 4 hydrogen atoms (really just protons) come together and fuse to form a heavier element, helium. In this process, a small amount of mass is “lost.” That missing mass has been converted into energy. According to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, a small amount of mass can become a large amount of energy. 13. What are the ingrediants and the end result of the proton-proton chain in the Sun? Why is energy released in the proton-proton chain? A total of 6 hydrogen atoms go into the proton-proton chain. What comes out is a helium nucleus, two neutrinos, two positrons (which are quickly annihilated by colliding with electrons), energy in the form of gamma rays, and two hydrogens. Thus, only 4 hydrogen atoms are consumed to make the helium. The mass of helium produced by the nuclear fusion is 0.7% less than the mass of the four hydrogens that were fused to make it. This small amount of “lost” mass is converted into energy. The amount of energy is easily calculated from E = mc2. 14. Why are scientists so interested in solar neutrinos? What is the most likely solution to the solar neutrino problem? Neutrinos are produced in the proton-proton chain, which occurs in the core of the Sun. The neutrinos pass unimpeded through the Sun at nearly the speed of light. So neutrinos, in a sense, allow astronomers to directly observe the core of the Sun and the processes that occur there, almost as they happen. For a long time, astronomers were puzzled because the Sun did not seem to be producing as many neutrinos as predicted. There were two possible explanations for the low number of solar neutrinos received on Earth: either the Sun was under-producing neutrinos, or something was happening to the neutrinos as they traveled to Earth. The first possibility was disturbing, as it would likely require the Sun’s core to be cooling by 10%. But what could alter a neutrino across the void of space? Recently, we have discovered that there are different kinds of neutrinos, and that they can transform into each other during the trip to Earth through “oscillations.” By creating neutrino detectors that can detect all different kinds of neutrinos, we have confirmed that the Sun is producing all of the neutrinos we expect it to. 15. What would we observe on Earth if the Sun's internal energy source suddenly shut off? How long do you think it might take - minutes, days, years, or millions of years - for the Sun's light to begin to fade? Repeat the question for solar neutrinos. Light photons can take millions of years to fight their way out of the thick gasses in the Sun’s interior, while neutrinos fly out in a straight line at almost the speed of light. Therefore, if we have a means of detecting neutrinos, we would know within minutes (8.3 min) if nuclear fusion in the Sun were to shut down. If we only relied on visible light, however, it could take a million years before the Sun would start to dim. Mult Choice. 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. c 9. c 10. b ---------------------------------------------------------------------